Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Living Biblical vs Living Like Christ

Galatians 3:10-14"10 For all who rely on the works of the law are under a curse, as it is written: “Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law.”[a] 11 Clearly no one who relies on the law is justified before God, because “the righteous will live by faith.”[b] 12 The law is not based on faith; on the contrary, it says, “The person who does these things will live by them.”[c] 13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.”[d] 14 He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit."

It's been a long while since I posted due to other obligations. However, now that I'm back, the next topic of my post to analyze the difference between living biblical by following biblical rules compared to living godly by following Christ.  I ask this because having read plenty of Christian blogs and articles, the common theme I read, is about what is biblical and what isn't and how we are to be biblical. This goes from biblical womanhood or femininity, biblical manhood or masculinity, biblical dating, biblical marriage, relationships, etc.

 The premise is that as Christians we are to almost everything in a biblical way, behave in a biblical way and live in a biblical way.  I can't count on the many times I read lists from other Christians on what is not biblical based on their personal convictions from getting tattoos, getting a divorce, women working outside the home, men staying at home, women wearing makeup, jewelry, high heels and stylish clothes and the list goes on. Many Christians have their own ideas on what is biblical therefore acceptable within the Christian community. 

The problem with this mindset is that many Christians will turn the bible into a personal rule book of what and what not do based on their own interpretation of the scriptures which will always vary from individuals, a church, or community on what is acceptable. This leads to legalism in which each individual group or persons will cast self-righteous judgement, sometimes close-minded or harsh criticisms, often too demanding expectations on other Christians behavior they view to be unbiblical.

Then the focus is more on how to be biblical in the way Christians act, behave, live in almost every aspect of their lives to the point of keeping score and becomes less about what is godly or what is living like Christ although many equate all being the same thing.  It can also become more about living under law rather than living under grace where Christians start constantly over analyzing and worrying about what they're doing is biblical and therefore pleasing to God based on their interpretation on what the bible verses is clear.  It also becomes competition in a way as I have read many Christians on the internet debate among each other what the scriptures mean each thinking their interpretation is the true meaning while condescendingly judge others for not understanding the context of the verses.

From my own experience on reading these comments, it seems those who arrogantly berate others for misinterpreting bible verses that suits their reasoning on the ones guilty of doing just that.  The fact remains is the bible can be a hard book to understand especially not knowing the entire history of the context of the scriptures sometimes how we interpret them will vary due to own upbringing and church influence.  Also cultural influence will also play a role in how  we sometimes interpret what is biblical.  In such a case, many on the more ultra conservative camp  in the western countries will use phrases such as biblical manhood or biblical womanhood to interpret a very cultural traditional ideal of manhood or womanhood. These same groups under the more patriarchal western influence will also equate biblical family with the more traditional nuclear family  unit or biblical dating with the more traditional courtship from the by gone era and the list goes on. 

The thing that many Christians seem to forget is that the bible is set in Ancient times in the far east in places like Israel where the culture and customs differed from this era in America.  Sometimes these cultural norms and customs play a role in the bible. One example is during Ancient times, slavery was acceptable and mentioned quite often in the bible, as is a man taking more than one wife during ancient Jewish customs.  Also arranged marriages happen, the penalty of adultery was stoning to death, men didn't have a 9-5 job every day wearing a suit to the office and women jobs was the domestic sphere of the household even if she earned extra income with a craft or trade, she did so from the home as often did the man. 

However, over the centuries and throughout the continent cultural norms evolve and vary.  Which is why it isn't good to take the bible verses too literally ignoring the historical culture, custom and societal norms of that era.  My point interpreting the meanings of the bible and how to live more "biblically" influenced by traditonal patriarchal ideals and standards isn't going to make Christians more godly neither trying to live by some of cultural norms of that era.  When Christians take the verses too literally thus establishing a "biblical living" based on those words it causes Christians to overlook the bigger picture behind those words such as the true historical meanings  sometimes creating  false doctrines which in leads to legalism.  It then turns the living as Christ following believer  about rule-keeping or where not living biblical. 

With rule-keeping becomes self-righteousness, arrogance, and close-mindedness especially to anyone who doesn't follow the "rules".  One of the ways we Christians can change this is stop looking at the bible as a rule book with all these biblical to do and do no list. Instead see the bible for what it is which is a list of stories on About God our creator, the creation of mankind, about history of the Israelites during the Old Testament and many figures from Abraham to Noah, to Moses to King David etc. Also about the story of Jesus the son of God, our Lord and Savior in the New Testament along with the many apostles and disciples afterwards etc. 

Of  course, there are some guidelines and standards that should be obeyed that is int he bible like the Ten Commandments but we shouldn't make a habit of turning almost every scripture into a to do list.  Instead we should learn from the historical events in the bible understanding the true context and use some of the scriptures as  examples on how we can live our lives in today's society during our walk with Christ always talking cultural norms and customs of that "biblical times" into consideration.

 For example regarding verses on how masters should treat their slaves or how slaves should respond to their masters, since slavery is no longer in an existence in the western countries, this verses could be used as an example on how  employers and employees relate to one another and the list goes on.  Instead of worrying so much on how to be and act more "biblical" the answer should be how to strengthen our walk with Christ and placing God our Lord foremost in our lives.   Of course, we are not perfect and are all sinners to a degree and will stumble from time to time.

 But now that we are living under grace as Jesus has already died for all our sins, we don't need to beat ourselves over the head every time we slip up and make a mistake of not following all the "rules".  What we do is receive the Lord and his Blessing, and  our sins will be forgiven and we strive to improve ourselves as we continue the long sometimes harrowing path of Christ.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Christians Policing other Christians is Problematic

Matthew 7:1-2 "Do not judge or you too will be judged.  For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

I have mentioned some of this in my a post from my first blog on the topic of legalism. However, I want to go further on this next post regarding how Christians  I have researched many Christian sites on post and articles on several topics and I can't count the times, I stumbled upon an article by posted by a Christian author including a pastor or even a blog where they felt the need to delegate what other Christians should or should not do regarding the choices in their lives in order to to be a "True Christian".

 This goes from what other Christians should watch on TV examples like horror, soap operas, R-rated films, any show or film that contains negative things that we Christians don't condone.  Or reading certain books, like fiction horror, Harry Potter series or Twilight, romance novels that have lovemaking out of wedlock.  Other topics involved are whether Christians should have tattoos, dye their, women cutting their hair, wearing makeup, doing yoga, martial arts, go dancing, clubbing, dating, ever drink alcohol, how far is too far in a relationship and the list goes on.   It seems like these authors view themselves as more of a expert in how to live a godly life and feel it's their need to tell others what to do in which they all need to follow his/her personal standards or else they're not a true believer.

Another problem is that these Christians turn a Christianity into a long list of dos and don't over every aspect in a Christian's life or else God will condemn us. I recently read two positive posts, one from Jeffrey Curtis Poor's blog "Rethink" titled "Christians Stop Being the Moral Police" and John Shore's  "What Non-Christians Want Christians To Hear" from his blog at Patheos "Above All, Love, Unfundamentalist Christians".  He is also the author the book "I'm Okay, You're Not: The Message We're Sending Nonbelievers and Why We Should Stop".  Of course, their arguments are related to Christians attitudes towards non-Christians or non practicing Christians, but the actions are the same regarding passing too much judgment, quick to condemn, narrow-mindedness, condescension etc.

The main motto for these so-called Christians is to wag their fingers and criticize as well as shame others who don't fit into their one-size-fits all philosophy on what a real believer should or shouldn't do often with self-righteous, sanctimonious, holier-than-thou attitudes. This is mostly built out of legalistic rules from their own interpretation of the bible, the need to feel morally superior to others and just the need to feel all knowing, self-important like they're are the true paragon of a true Christ follower and others should just listen to them.  For the most part, plenty of these Christians are well-meaning in their posts of articles and youtube videos as they believe they're helping their fellow believers out a little on how to live righteously and not stray away from Christ and possibly go down the wrong path on the naive belief what they're doing is not harmful.

But fact remains, there isn't one size fit all way to live as true Christian over issues that isn't mentioned or right out condemned in the bible nor anything that is outright against God's will.  Making a long list of man-made legalistic rules of what and what not to do isn't benefiting or building up the Christian community, as many will be confused with different points of views of what a "true Christian" should be and what is acceptable and what isn't.  In fact, these rules are basically built on the need to police and control, installing fear of of sin or looking for sin even when it isn't there.  It also encourages believers to live under law rather than grace where they bear a  heavy guilt when they break the so-called rules or don't live up to them and always looking for ways to score points with God or seek approval from other fellow believers on minor things on how to live a godly life.

As for me, I try to avoid delegating what other Christians should and shouldn't do especially involving matters that isn't biblically-mandated even though I may make a few exceptions but I desire not to live on a long list of rules on what to do and what not in order to live a Christ following life.  Instead playing moral police and policing others, I just focus on continuing to strengthen my relationship with God, grow more spiritually, read the bible whenever I can if not grow everyday, not worry so much if I stumble now and then as none of us are perfect will never be, we are all inclined to sin once and a while but keep embracing Jesus in my life and strive to live under grace rather than law.

 Reading books by Pastor Joseph Prince has helped me a lot and watching his show everyday.  I think the true thing Christians should do is to just receive Christ, keep him the center of your life focus less on on a what-to-do lists and just take it from there.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Christians Relationships With Non-Christians part 1

2 Corinthians 6:14-16" Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?  What harmony is there between Christ and Belial[? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said:

“I will live with them
    and walk among them,
and I will be their God,
    and they will be my people

I wanted to discuss in this post about Christians any type of relationships with Non-Christians. I'm not just talking about romantic relationships, I'm talking about any relationship be it friendships even deep-rooted friendships, close relationships with relatives, love relationships even marriages.  

I've been interested in this topic for a while now since this has been questioned and debated among many Christians on the internet in various forums, websites, blogs, articles etc.  It seems many Christians wonder if it's okay to have close relationships with those outside the Christian faith.  What about close friends, or relatives or people who are of another religious faith, is okay to have any association with them  at all? 

I never thought much about this growing up going occasionally going to church or when I was active in my church youth group as I had friends with kids who were Jewish or just secular.  I never thought about it that much as I was brought up not to be prejudice against anyone regardless of their race, religion, ethnic background etc and would never considered excluding someone because of their religion.  Yet now as an adult who has been starting to embrace my Christ in my life in a way I didn't as a kid, these type of questions have become a interest to me.  

It seems Christians themselves have a variety of opinions and views on this subject matter with some believing it's wrong for Christians to have any relationships be it romantic or platonic friendships and even marriages with anyone outside of the Christian faith. Others think it's okay have friends of outside the faith but not date or marry outside the faith so as long as you keep them at bay and not get too close since your best friends should be only be fellow Christians. Some have believed in what is called mission friendships or mission dating in which you date or befriend someone outside your faith for the purpose of persuading or leading them to Christ as they see this as a Christian duty. 

 While others will that having any relationship outside the faith isn't a sin be it friendships, dating or even marriages but still frown upon it and caution Christians not to let themselves be influenced in anything outside of God's will.  I myself read numerous views and advise on this subject  by numerous Christians matter and was even perplexed by some of them.  I recall on one blog, a girl asked question if her friendship with a Hindu girl was acceptable since she read in the bible believers are not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers.

The answer she got was from a female youth pastor who told her that as Christians we should be friends with those outside the faith but she implied an agenda to get these non-Christian friends to know Christ and become fellow Christians. This person went on to advise the girl that she shouldn't try to accomplish this alone since she might get tempted and brought up Jesus and his twelve apostles who went around place to place spreading the gospel and suggested that she get some strong Christian friends to go with her and dealing with her Hindu friend.

 I couldn't help but feel there was some condescension in such a well-meaning but misguided advice.  This is mostly because I just couldn't understand what did this youth pastor assumed this girl will be tempted by her Hindu friend and therefore can't be alone together with her and tempted to do what exactly go against her faith to commit some immoral sin?  And why she felt this girl needed some strong Christian friends to go along with her to help her Hindu friend know Christ or that it was exactly this girl's duty as a Christian to get her friend to go against her own faith as it that was her only purpose of being her friend.  If anything such an action will backfire and drive her Hindu friend away.

This advise left a wake of comments, some from those relating to their own non-Christian friends whom they believe won't join them in heaven after death one even believed her Buddhist friend will go to hell because she's not worshiping God despite claiming that she's a good person and I can't wonder why they would come up with that conclusion if they feel their friends are good people since only God can make such a judgement. The one comment I did agree with was that others from different religious faiths are just as committed to their faith as we Christians are committed to ours.  

We have to picture would if the roles were reversed, how would we feel if the non-Christians we have in our lives tried to persuade us to go against our Christian values, against what be believe is God's ways, that are sinful, or just convert to their religion? Of course in that situation we would want to distance ourselves from that person so as not be tempted. Other articles on the internet share similar mindsets that you should "befriend" non-Christians to get them to know Christ but not be their companions in other words be friendly towards them but don't become their best friends form lasting bonds with them or anything. 

I even read comments from non-Christians some who were of other religious faiths complain about their Christian friends trying to convert them to their faith and not respecting that faith they already embraced.  
Then there was a post from another site from a Christian girl who broke up with her secular boyfriend after her attempts to lead him to Christ failed as he told her he didn't want her to bring up Jesus, God and other parts of her faith again. She decided after that experience she would never date a non-Christian again.  

Although that was probably the right choice for her, I can't help but feel she just gave up when she couldn't change her boyfriend's mindset and beliefs to align with hers and he may have felt pressure from her to convert to her faith rather than excepting him for who he was  which is why he told her to stop bringing up her faith. I also once read an article from a pastor on steps on how Christians can be friends with sinners. I admit I was a bit dismayed at referring to non-Christians as sinners since we are all sinners including us Christians as none of us are perfect in this fallen world and no one is immune to commit a sin no matter how mild.


I decided to revise this post by dividing it into two or more parts because it was too long.


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Is It Really Wrong For Christians To Please Themselves?

   1 John 2:15-17  "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them.  For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever."

I know it's been a long while since I've posted but I wanted to start the new year making more posts and the first topic I wanted to discuss is a about the debate on Christians living for their own pleasure just the secular society does and whether it's wrong or not.  For many among the Christian community, Christians purpose on earth are to please God our Lord and Savior.

Many scholars, pastors and the church teach the mentality that anything Christians do that doesn't involve pleasing God or growing closer to Him, from how they dress, how to style their hair whether to dye it or not get a haircut or not, get a tattoo, wear makeup, jewelry, shopping, fashion, dating the opposite sex or what hobbies and interests to pursue and only about pleasing themselves is sinful. Their reasoning is that we are to serve God only and engaging in our own personally pleasure is selfish and engaging worldly pleasures using the verse 1 John 2:15-17 to confirm their ideas.

 Afterall, this verse does tell us not to love anything in the world and if we don't love God and we are to do the will of God.  By that logic that could include not loving the planet and the environment and wanting to take care of it, or loving normal secular activities, such as reading, sports, dancing, sewing, fishing, camping, going to parties etc. Some churches even go as far make church members sign contracts, that forbid them from drinking any alcohol beverages, smoking  and other churches ban women from wearing pants, makeup or jewelry.

 I myself get annoyed when I read comments on the internet or articles by other Christians that they shouldn't read a fiction novel, dye their hair, go on a date unless it's about going closer to or serving God or else it they are selfish or sinful  as just doing what your like is selfish and sinful period and I don't believe it is a godly model.  The Christian community including churches have a tendency of using the scriptures to justify man-made legalistic rules and regulations on what is allowed or not allowed among fellow Christians.

I wrote about this too in my first blog on the topic of legalism(you can check it out if you like). The problems I have with this philosophy is that it implies that Christians have to choose between their pleasure and pleasing God but there is  no room for both as if pleasure itself is a sinful nature a source of shame that needs to be abandoned in order to give ourselves to the Lord.  This could cause Christians to place extra burdens on themselves in order to hold themselves to a higher standard, to feel shame and guilt in desiring to please themselves which can lead some believers to constantly second guess if they partake anything for their own pleasures, enjoyments and happiness.  I don't believe for one moment that a loving God wouldn't want his children to pursue their own happiness, to find fun and joy in their daily lives be it in their hobbies, pastimes, music or whatever in pleasure that suits us.

Our Lord certainly wouldn't want us to be unhappy, miserable for his sake, therefore I hardly believe he will be disappointed when you go to the beauty salon, nail salon, see a sports game, listen to your favorite music, read your favorite fiction novel by your favorite author, enjoy dressing up and putting on jewelry etc simply for your own pleasures as if you not allowed to have those things in your life.  I have looked more into the scripture 1 John 2:15-17 and understood to be about a letter possibly written by John the Apostle to Christians regarding the influences of some false teachers in order to test our faith in Christ.

 In not loving the world, John was telling us to rebuke the sinful nature of the fallen world like lust not just sexually gratification but lust for power, greed and pride to the point of arrogance, envoy to the point of bitterness.  Being more consumed for with materialistic and superficial things and other things of the secular society to the point of turning away from God.  In these cases, choosing your own personal pleasures for sinful things of this world over God or just prioritizing our pleasures of the things in the secular world above Him is wrong.

 For believers,God has to come first in our lives that is clear. What is also clear is that seeking pleasure in our lives for just ourselves isn't wrong or displeasing to the Lord since he would wants us seek pleasure in whatever we desire as long as it doesn't cause us to stray from Him.  For Christians who truly give their hearts to the Lord, we can still seek in pleasure and joy that makes us happy without worrying about displeasing God since since as long as our hearts our with God, we would never turn away from Him, therefore we would never do anything to cause us to sin for our own self indulgence.